Thursday, January 26, 2012

Recording Gchat Calls with Headset

Used these sources:
Also Pretty

Here's what to do:
Download Line-In and Soundflower.

Go to System Preferences -> Sound -> Output Device and pick the headphones/mic thing.

Set Line-In to run what it gets from the microphone to Soundflower:

"Pass Thru" apparently is like an on-off switch.  It's meant to be temporary.

Go to Gmail settings - Chat and set Soundflower as the output device and your microphone as the input device.  [NO!  Set the headset thingy to both input and output!]

Set Soundflower to use the microphone as the 2-channel device.

Go to Audacity -> Preferences -> Devices and set Soundflower (2ch) for the recording device.

I think you can duplicate/totally-mess-up some of this by doing it in the System Preferences.  I don't think I'm going to mess with that for now.

Can't remember how to turn off the doubly echo thing.  Annoying.  I know I fixed it once already...

  • Things I've tried: 
    • muting various things in the midi settings through soundflower
    • switching around the line-in settings
    • messing with volumes in audacity and system settings
    • switching things in system settings (make less difference than you'd think)
Okay, got it.

To Get Rid of Annoying Micro-Delay Echo Torture:  I need to stop Soundflower from playing the audio through the headset, so that means I also need to have Gchat go straight to the headphones in stead of going through Soundflower (see black and orange note above).

So that looks like this in the Soundflower menu:

Also need to make sure Soundflower volume is up in the System Sound settings, because I'm pretty sure this affects how loud it is in the Audacity recording, compared to my mic'd voice.  Watch the waveform as it records to make sure:

Also make sure that I click on "Logitech USB Headset" after adjusting Soundflower volume, or I won't be able to hear anything.

This is probably a really dumb way to do this...


And it WAS a really dumb way to do it.  Never got it to work consistently.  Just bought Audio Hijack Pro.  Other than auto-adjusting mic (another post), everything works fine.

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