Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Journal, New Citation Style

I apparently thought this was the sort of thing that was too obvious to write down, but I just spent 20 minutes looking it up again.  So here we go.

1] Download it (endnote styles end in .ens)
2] Put it in Applications-> Endnote -> Styles
3] Ta freaking da

Or, in Zotero
1] Download it (I don't know formats it'll take, but I'm sure there's a list easy to find somewhere)

also 1] Or do the Endnote version above, and then...
2] In Zotero click the Gear -> Preferences -> Styles -> click the Plus
3] Ta freakin da.

Although this didn't work on my last attempt.  The forums told me that it's not really that great a process (going through Endnote to get a new style), and that I should probably wait for their CSL editor.  They also said that CSL (citation style language) is more powerful than the way Endnote does it.  I'm not sure how, but something to think about.

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