Sunday, February 6, 2011


Mendeley is cool.  Wizfolio might be cool.  The name is not as cool.

Things I learned setting up Mendeley -

  • It'd probably be better to import from a program, and then attach all the PDF's.  Or just do the PDF's and fix all the citations.  Either way, you'll have to fiddle with most entries.  I tried to do both, for completeness, and I not only get to change most of them, but I get to delete multiple versions of each one too.
  • 500 Mb isn't as much as I thought.
  • I think items can be in more than one folder at a time without actually being duplicated - but this might only be true for certain folders like "Recently Added," "Zotero Library" or "Favorites" or whatever.  I'm not sure about user-created folders.
  • Tags don't import very well from Zotero.
  • Although the syncing with Zotero is continuous, it won't reimport all the articles if you move them somewhere else.  It will only bring in the new ones (Cool!)
  • PDF edits and notes are only saved in Mendeley unless you intentionally export them to the PDF.  They can still be shared with others through Mendeley.
  • Citation plug-ins are iffy.
  • One-click add actually works in Chrome, although it's slow.  You have to go get the PDF on your own.  I don't think this is likely to change, as I suspect there are some licensing issues with freely distributing copies of copyrighted material.
    • You can't link PDF's to public groups, for example.  Actually, that's my only example.  It's the whole reason I think there's an issue.

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