I've been waiting for an hour for various Microsoft products to do their not-swearing jobs. My complains are as follows (they're all number 1 because I don't get this formatting and because I'm counting them all on one of my longer fingers):
- Windows Live, Windows Live Mesh, Windows Live Sync, Microsoft SkyDrive
There's four products that, as far as I can tell, are all supposed to do the same thing but need each other to do it in some inexplicable way. Right now, not a single one of them is helping me.
- Like Rubes at the Zoo
All of those "programs" have blistery cheerful interfaces that mock my frustration. They look at me with such impenetrably friendly distance, I feel like a zoo animal being mocked by six-fingered banjo pickers in besmirched overalls. Why do I have to click 8 mysteriously slow hyper-links to find a single file in SkyDrive? Dunno. Why do I even have to go look on SkyDrive for a file that's supposed synced through Live Mesh? Dunno. Why do all my bookmarks seem to revert to the Windows Live homepage from which I can't access the SkyDrive so I end up Googling it every not-swearing time? Dunno.
- Intentionally Obfuscatory Oligarchy AKA Crapfusion Cartel
I'm not sure who benefited how, but for some reason my university is in some kind of familial yet fornicatory relationship with Windows Live. From what I can tell, this means that I don't get to pick my username (they opted for spelling out every potentially related word and separating them with periods) and that I get 5 Gb of storage space instead of 25. Oh, and the university apparently "bought" this free service somehow. From what I can tell about THAT, it means that we're all beta-testers for a thoroughly be-chiggered piece of crapware that makes email less convenient than shipping all my thoughts through UPS, and we're cut off from any real source of tech support because the ostensible "buyers" and "sellers" of this "service" aren't "real people" who "exist" in "anywhere."
- Dropbox has been synced since I was done pouring my coffee
Bahg~! (That was a typo, but I liked the flourish.)
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