Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I'm trying out Zotero.  Here are my thoughts.

  • The tags were stupid, and it was a pain to get rid of them.
  • Should I use tags or folders to organize it all?
  • Why can't I move articles from a group library to "My Library?"  something to remember.
  • I really like that when I change something in the Firefox window (add something to a group, change the publication year, etc) it updates immediately in the Word plug-in window.
  • Attaching pdf's of articles:
    • The "Attach stored copy of file..." option is cool, but I need to see if it allows me access to those files from another computer.  It's annoying though because it grays-out the articles with attachments in the "add citation" dialog window, and makes each entry two lines.
    • The "Attach link to file..." doesn't do those annoying things in the "add citation" window, but I doubt it will let me access the file from another computer.
I asked on the forums about those expanded things in the "add citation" window.  They were very helpful. The problem is that the search function I use to sort the citations is a "full text search" so it's showing me that whatever search terms I typed (usually an authors name) show up in the citation AND in the attached PDF.  Pretty cool function, the full text search is really fast, but it's annoying for this purpose.  They recommended just sorting by the Author's column and "starting to type."  That will be quick and easy.

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