Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tags in Zotero

There are too many stoopid tags in my Zotero library.  I think there's some way to import from Endnote that doesn't include them, but...I'm not into that right now.

So, this forum exists, and it's good.  This is a list of things I didn't understand for a while:
  • You have to go Preferences (the little gear) - Advanced - "Show Data Directory" to find out where the SQL thing is.
  • I don't know one thing about SQL.  Not even one thing.
  • The commands listed have to be executed separately, and they're wrong in the post:

delete from itemTags where itemTags.tagID in (select tags.TagID from tags where 
tagType = 0)

delete from tags where tagType = 0

  • "tagType" doesn't exist, so change it to just Type.
  • I picked a few tags that I liked and changed their "Type" to 1, so that I could save them.

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