Thursday, December 16, 2010

Google Chrome and PDF's

Suddenly Chrome Just Shows me PDF's Instead of Downloading Them*

Attempt 1) Right-Clicking Link and Selecting "Save Link As..." (FAIL
This only works often enough to make me think its usual lack of being useful is somehow my fault.  Usually I get files with scarily-specific but meaningless names like "scourge.jasp."  Gotta watch out for those jasp files.

Attempt 2) Just Save it, Dummy (FAIL)
Just right click anywhere on the PDF viewer that pops up and select "Save As."  Or press Cmd+S, or select Save from the Wrench menu.  These are all solutions from a forum from snappy people who were like, "don't be a dummy, just do this obvious thing."  Well they didn't work for me.  I don't want to save an html file.

Attempt 3) Disable the PDF Viewer (MILD SUCCESS)
This is the type of solution I don't really like, because I prefer to let the people who know what they're doing do God-knows-whatever-it-is they do.  Anyway, type "about:plugins" into the address bar, click "Disable" under the Chrome PDF viewer.  

*It should be noted that I'm pretty much an idiot, and this isn't really a problem.  Just something that confused me for a week or so.

UPDATE 12-16-10 
It's Something about Frames 
Apparently "frames" are a thing.  I didn't know, who didn't tell me?  Anyway, this forum says that it usually will work to right-click and pick "Save As..."  When it doesn't, it's because the PDF is loaded in a frame (this seems to be a problem with Wiley, IEEE and other article services).  So, right-click, pick "Open Frame in New Tab."  Then it opens sans-frameage, and you can right-click and save it as a pdf. 


  1. Will you post about Ping? I can't make it work. Very well anyway. Unless you don't really use it, and then the not working thing is about par for the course. Which is a funny idiom.

  2. Colina was the code word for that comment.

  3. But bortleal was the word for that one, so I see no connection.

  4. Code word? Oh, like that Captcha thing? I love those. Right down to the way you have to say "Captcha!"
