Sunday, January 30, 2011

Editing Styles in Zotero

Use this page.  It actually isn't that hard, although it requires a lot more thinking than the similar Endnote process.

Having said that it didn't work the first few times.  Here's some stuff I may have learned:

  • for TextEdit you should save it as Unicode-16, I think.  I have no idea what that is, but it didn't recognize the file type when it was Unicode-8, despite the .csl extension.
  • You can also add styles (or delete them) through the Style Manager.  Click the gear icon in Zotero, pick Preferences, click Styles tab.
  • I think if, when you rename the file, title and id that there are length limits.  So "American Psychological Association 6th Edition Single Spaced" didn't work, but "APA6singlespace" did.  I'm also not sure if spaces are allowed.

This page explains the language the citation styles are written in, a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Did you read the documentation, or ask about the details on the forums?

    On encodings, in general in XML, you should use utf-8.
