Friday, November 5, 2010

Audio Files in NVivo 9

  • Click "Transcribe Mode" as a Play Mode to make it automatically timestamp your comments.

  • Changed (again) hotkeys set up. Turned off Mac OS shortcuts in Parallels Preferences, checked "Function keys operate normally" or whatever it is in System Preferences.

  • "Transcribe Mode" works best using play and stop, instead of pause. Everytime you play after stopping it makes a new entry in the transcript, automatically timestamped. Pause just stays in the same entry. If it's not available as an option, right-click in the transcription pane and select "Edit."
F8 to stop
F7 to play
F11 to start a selection
F12 to stop it

  • I'm coding the audio instead of the transcript, so that I can use the transcript as notes supporting the codes. Plus, codes hyperlink to the audio, so I can get the quote right there, one-click.

  • Even if you don't record video with Skype's Call Recorder, it saves it as a .mov file. There's a whole different thing to coding those, so it's better to convert it to an mp3. Call Recorder comes with a Movie to Mp3 Converter!

  • To add "See Also Links" you have to copy a selected part of the "to" source, and Paste it into the "from" document (the one you want the link to show up in) using the "Paste as See Also Link" option in the Home menu ribbon.


  1. I love this. I do. I'm crazy, and I do think everything you do is great, bu I love this blog. I like the "you need the whole plastic baggy". Heh.

  2. You crazy. I've thought of apologizing to you for every update or whatever. It's really just notes, and everyone's first response is, "why does that have to be a blog?" I don't know, but I DO wish I had named it Snoop Doggy Blog.
